Quitting Smoking

Nicotine Gum vs Smoking

Nicotine Gums To Quit Smoking

If you are suffering from nicotine addiction and trying hard to quit smoking or, in other words, stop inhaling harmful elements to your body, then nicotine gum could help you. 

Chewing gum is quite old human behaviour. So the idea of using nicotine replacement therapy through a gum is genuinely smart! 

What is Nicotine Gum?

Nicotine gum is one type of nicotine replacement therapy, which is designed with certain products along with a small amount of nicotine in order to fulfill your craving for nicotine. 

Nicotine gum belongs in a class of medications which is called smoking sensation aids. 

You must not mix the nicotine you consume from the tobacco with the medicated nicotine gum. The game may provide a specific dose of nicotine orally, but it is not combined with any other harmful elements. The addiction you got from smoking is the result of the toxic chemicals that burn while smoking. The nicotine gum helps to reduce your craving for cigarettes or other nicotine products such as vaping.

Chewing gum itself can act as destruction from smoking because it keeps your mouth busy and satisfied some oral needs. In short, chewing nicotine gum is a substitute oral activity that reduces the urge to smoking. 

But still, for full benefits, nicotine gums should be used alongside a few therapies which focus on the psychological factor related to a person’s smoking habit. However, nicotine gum should not be taken who is about your pharmacist’s prescription. Some health conditions are can deteriorate using products like nicotine gum. 

For how long should one take nicotine gum?

The day you have decided to quit smoking, start taking nicotine gum on that very day. Always remember that nicotine gum can be a quit smoking aid but taking it for a more extended period has certain consequences. Because by taking these, you are still regularly supplying a certain amount of recording into your bloodstream. So it may help you to fight your addiction, but it is not the ultimate solution. 

That’s why, before we advised to add up psychological therapies along with nicotine gum. So that as you started taking nicotine gum in the first place, you can also so take yourself away from the gum when needed. 

Do not get addicted to nicotine gum

Nicotine gum is indeed a far safer option compared to cigarettes but doesn’t forget that the game still contains nicotine. And this nicotine is addictive. So it is possible that even after quitting smoking, you will get addicted to the gum. In order to avoid these circumstances, limit the use of nicotine gum when still it’s not late. 

  • In the first place, if you are taking 4mg nicotine gum, then gradually reduce it to 2mg as you continue your therapy sessions.
  • Similarly, the quantity of gum also reduces the amount of time you are chewing it. Don’t worry if you can’t reduce it immediately; the process will work gradually. 
  • As soon as you realize that you are successful in quitting smoking with the help of nicotine gum, swiftly replace that nicotine gum with our regular chewing gum. 

There are also some precautions you need to take before using nicotine gum;

  • Take your time and make a list of the medications, nutritional supplements, vitamins, or herbal products you were taking all will be taking during the nicotine gum session. If your medications include asthma medicines, insulin, drugs for anxiety and depression, medicines for high blood pressure, etc., you may have specific side effects of taking nicotine gum.
  • If you ever had heart disease, heart attack, or any other conditions related to your heart, then your doctor may need to give extra attention to your case.
  • If you are pregnant, you should not use nicotine gum.
  • If you smoke while taking nicotine gums, then a nicotine overdose can cause. 

Success to quit smoking with nicotine gum

Nicotine gums are undoubtedly designed to help you quit smoking, but keep it in mind that it’s a quit smoking aid, not any miracle drug. So if you want to be successful in this process, you should put extra effort into why not entirely depending on the gums. 

The realization of quitting smoking automatically takes you some steps ahead towards success. Now all you need is to invest time and be patient; in this case, the success lies within you. Just believe in yourself and don’t compare your situation with others. 


Before taking any kind of drugs, you always have to ensure that the drug is entirely secure for you. The same can be applied to any medication nicotine gum is not out of the list. You cannot just think about taking medication and start the next day. Consult your pharmacist and listen to him. Otherwise, your efforts in treating the smoking habit can cause even more problems. 

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